Monday, January 17, 2011


Let me tell you first that I don't believe god exists. But a supreme power is always there around with us. I belive at the very first of the creation of this world or humanity or life - there was someone who created life which had been developping to modern life. The question is who was 'someone'? People of different religion believe different supreme person. Are their views right. Maybe, from their point of view. But I believe, we can consider that 'someone' was above all religions. As there was not any religion.

Contd. . . . .

Saturday, January 15, 2011

a silence to make life...

once I was in a great trouble finding no ways to get out but I was just immerging into the deep of that trouble. I was worried, my friends could not help me. And my family members too. Being sad I sat on the river bank. It was an afternoon. Thinking that matter I was lost. I was then wathing the nature - river, funeral ghat, paddy land. All I heard there only birds chripping and water rippling. My mind flowed into the beauty of nature. I remember my world where I had to return when it was dark. Checked my mailbox returning home, there was a picture sent by one of my frinds quoting the sentence 'GIVE YOURSELE AT LEAST 10 MIN IN A DAY OF SILENCE, ALL YOUR SUFFERINGS WILL BE SILENT.'. . . Really the next day I found my problems were gone. I don't know how but it happened. Thanks to the nature.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Me and My world....

I'm Pulak Roy completely a Bangalee boy without a charming personality or a heavy figure to create a sensation in our society or within my identity circle. I'm 26 years old (08/12/1983 my date of birth).
I'm a primary school teacher by profession and passion. Actually I like to be with children most of the time. One thing I realized that children are some one(s) you can never be bored with. I have gathered a lot of experiences on this matter and then I'm saying this. I'm also a part timer in a nursery school and teach English and Drawing class there for class IV.

I'm a kind of boy whom you can trust forever. Hey, this is not to advertise myself. You can trust me or not, that's your matter. But I believe that trusting someone is easier than betrayal.